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Using Daily Essential Nutrients for Bipolar: Cait's Story

Using Daily Essential Nutrients for Bipolar: Cait's Story

Before Cait started taking Daily Essential Nutrients, she struggled with the ups and downs of mood swings from her bipolar disorder on a regular basis. She spent years trying to find the right combination of medications to no avail.  Cait's doctor finally recommended Daily Essential Nutrients after attending an integrative health seminar featuring Dr. Charles Popper, a Harvard psychopharmacologist who uses Daily Essential Nutrients in his clinical practice.   Cait says the main benefits of using Daily Essential Nutrients are that her moods are more stable, she doesn't get depressed anymore, her mania is much milder and she doesn't have all the side effects from the medications she used to take.  Cait says she feels stable now and is no longer afraid that something bad is always about to happen.  She is no longer worried about being depressed or sad and has energy and motivation for the first time in a long time.  "Now that I'm on Daily Essential Nutrients I'm able to function in life.  I'm able to get up in the morning and run errands, I have a social life now." She says she still has ups and downs like any average person, but her highs are not as high and her lows are not as low.  "I feel normal, and I haven't felt normal in a really long time," she shares. In the past, Cait dealt with debilitating depression episodes for weeks at a time and was very sensitive to everything that went wrong in her life, even little things. Over the course of years, she tried many different medications and therapies, including in-patient and out-patient hospitalization.  She says now that she is taking DEN, it is much easier to deal with the ins and outs of daily life and she no longer has to worry about debilitating mood swings. Daily Essential Nutrients is backed by multiple independent university studies for mood and mental health.  It works by providing the body with clinical levels of vitamins and minerals in a highly absorbable format—something typical multivitamins don't provide.  When the body gets all the nutrients required for the brain to function properly, the body becomes balanced, and the need for chemical intervention reduces. To find a health care provider who recommends Daily Essential Nutrients, please visit our health professional locator.  Daily Essential Nutrients is also available without a prescription at
Hardy's Micronutrients for Dementia, Energy & Focus

Hardy's Micronutrients for Dementia, Energy & Focus

Cheryll, who works as a minister at her church, uses Hardy Nutritionals Optimal Balance for Women to help her focus while handling the high demands of her job. Not only does she use Hardy Nutritionals micronutrients, but both her mom and her husband do, too. When Cheryll’s mom started to exhibit severe anxiety, she was prescribed a drug to help with her mental wellbeing. Over time, Cheryll noticed that her mother struggled with negative side effects from the drug. According to Cheryll, her mother went from bad to worse. “I was like, ‘Where is my mother?’. She was in a stupor at one stage.”  Cheryll reached out to her nutritionist who recommended Hardy Nutritionals clinical strength micronutrients, Daily Essential Nutrients. Within just three days, Cheryll noticed a vast improvement and remarkable difference in her mother. Her mother went from being told she had dementia to holding coherent conversations again with her family members. She was back to herself again. Cheryll says, “She just needed to have her brain cells working properly.”  After seeing the successful results from her mother, both Cheryll and her husband began to use Hardy Nurtitionals regular strength micronutrients, Optimal Balance for Women and for Men. Cheryll uses Hardy Nutritionals to help her stay focused at work. She experiences more energy when taking Hardy Nutritionals micronutrients, which she says is important for her temperament. Hardy Nurtionals helps Cheryll have more energy to get through the day. Her husband, whom Cheryll describes as type-A, has also experienced benefits from taking Hardy’s Optimal Balance. As someone who is described as ‘always going, going, going’, the specialized blend of micronutrients helps him retain a sustained level of energy throughout the day.  Hardy Nutritionals has been helping people like Cheryll and her family worldwide for years. Whether to help with psychiatric conditions or just overall wellbeing, Hardy Nutritionals has helped thousands of people live their life to the fullest.  To learn more about Hardy Nutritionals products, visit
Using Micronutrients for Depression: Supplementing With Daily Essential Nutrients

Using Micronutrients for Depression: Supplementing With Daily Essential Nutrients

Tom first heard about Daily Essential Nutrients on a Talk Radio show.  Before he was officially diagnosed with depression, Tom says he isolated a lot during his "dark days" and ultimately ended up going to the doctor and asking for help.  He ended up taking depression medications for years. After quite some time on pharmaceuticals for depression, he started looking for another solution.  When he found out about Daily Essential Nutrients, Tom was hopeful that he would have a better result than the medication he was taking because he wasn't satisfied with the way the medications made him feel.  "You're just on a flat line.  You don't have really any emotions," he shares.  During his struggles with depression, Tom isolated and struggled often.  "I was one of those guys who didn't answer the door, didn't answer the phone...[with depression] you just wanted to be away from people because you don't want to discuss what was going on." Tom says he has now been on Daily Essential Nutrients for eight to 10 years, "and it's been like darkness to light," he explains.  "Hardy Nutritionals has changed my life.  I don't think of myself anymore as somebody suffering from depression, and it makes it way easier for me to talk to other people about it." Before finding Daily Essential Nutrients, Tom says his life was difficult.  He never knew from one day to the next how he was going to feel.  He says he wasn't fully participating in life, to the detriments of relationships with others and productivity at work.  Contrasted with his life now, "My day to day life now is fantastic. I'm actually living a life now, not hiding from one."
This Supplement Works for ADHD & Mood!
Daily Essential Nutrients Saved My Son

Daily Essential Nutrients Saved My Son

From the time he was a baby, Tove noticed that her son Cohen had difficult health issues and displayed atypical behaviors. He dealt with gut imbalances and displayed symptoms of a sensory processing disorder, with which he was eventually diagnosed. Cohen’s family tried different approaches to manage his symptoms including eliminating dairy and gluten from his diet. While those measures helped some, as Cohen continued to grow, it became clear he needed more intervention to manage his emotional dyregulation and sensory issues. Seeking psychiatric treatment was the next step for Cohen and he began taking pharmaceutical medications as well as utilizing therapies such as speech therapy and occupational therapy. Tove and Cohen quickly discovered that the medications did not work for him long-term and the side-effects Cohen experienced were intense. Cohen had tried a long list of medications to help manage his symptoms of aggression and mood instability and after genetic testing that showed how impactful the medication side effects were on Cohen, they decided something else would have to give. In her search for answers to help her son, Tove came across a TED talk featuring Dr. Julia Rucklidge speaking about the power of broad-spectrum micronutrients for mental health. Eventually, Tove discovered Hardy Nutritionals’ Daily Essential Nutrients (DEN). Cohen began taking DEN and Tove saw noticeable improvements in his behavior within two weeks. Tove says, “His body then had what it needed to be successful and we really have Hardy’s to thank for that.” Tove recalls a time right after Cohen had first started taking DEN when she had to tell him no. As she braced herself for an overwhelming outburst, he surprised her by merely expressing his displeasure and moving on. Tove recalls the difference in his response and now says that Cohen hasn’t had a dramatic episode in a couple of years. While Cohen still faces challenges like anyone else, DEN has provided mental balance for Cohen so that the other types of therapies are now successful have room to work. “Hardy’s has helped us be in a completely different place to allow him to succeed.” Tove has recommended DEN to many others and says one of the most important outcomes she has witnessed is diminishing suicidal ideation. Tove believes that when suicidal ideation is off the table, people can truly begin to focus on improving their lives. Cohen is now 16 and has consistently taken Daily Essential Nutrients for years. Tove says that the violence and volatility he once regularly experienced is gone. He no longer goes through periods of darkness and has much improved emotional regulation. Cohen himself shares his thoughts to anyone who is on the fence about trying DEN. He says, “Try it. It worked for me. Just try it and see if it helps.”
New Zealand Woman Uses Hardy's Micronutrients for Depression

New Zealand Woman Uses Hardy's Micronutrients for Depression Kim shares that her health issues had completely taken over her life and personality before she found the micronutrients. Her chronic-depression or dysthymia caused her to hide in her house most of the time. She often hid behind the curtain and unplugged the phone when someone would come to the door and was constantly in a state of exhaustion. It would take days for her to deal with the laundry or the dishes, and her anger would often get the best of her when dealing with other people. Kim describes the racing thoughts, overwhelming stress, and brain fog that controlled her life. Her sleep was affected too, which made her so tired she couldn't focus during the day. She even used to regularly forget where she parked her car when shopping. "Every second of the day, all I thought about was my [depression]." Kim says that she expected great results when she finally started taking the micronutrients. She did lots of research before getting started and felt like she knew it would work. She says the more research she did on Daily Essential Nutrients, the more convinced she became that it could help her. Kim shares that, now that she has been taking Daily Essential Nutrients regularly, her mind no longer races and that she has experienced a complete change in her mental and physical symptoms. She has even been able to attend university and complete courses for the first time in her life. About eight years ago, because she was feeling so well after being on DEN for seven years, Kim decided to stop taking the micronutrients to see what would happen. She quickly found that they were truly helping her because her symptoms started worsening again until she went back to taking her former dose. Another benefit of taking DEN for Kim is that her relationships with others are better. Her depression no longer rules her life, and she can function in a way that she never thought possible before. In the video interview, she shares that she hasn't experienced any downsides or side-effects from taking the Daily Essential Nutrients. She explains, "If I had to recommend DEN to a friend of mine, I would tell them it is the most researched vitamin and mineral supplement in the world."

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