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  • Healthy and Friendly: Our Daily Essential Nutrients Powder Stick Packs are GMO-Free, Soy-Free, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, and Vegetarian-Friendly.


  • Sample Size: These packs contain 4 doses each and are a sample of our strong nutrition powder. It gives your brain and body the nutrition they need to perform at their best.


  • Proven Benefits: Supported by independent research and recommended by doctors worldwide, this powder can enhance mood and behavior. One stick pack is equivalent to one scoop of our powerful powder, and each pack has four full doses.


  • Quick Taste Test: It usually takes a month to see clinical-level results, but these samples let you try different flavors before committing to a month's supply.


  • Daily Essential Nutrients Powder Sample - 4 Dose Stick Pack Suggested Use

    • Starting Dose: Begin with a quarter stick pack per day.

    • For Children Under 6: Increase to 1 or 2 stick packs daily if needed.

    • For Individuals 6 and Older: Increase to 1 stick pack 3 times a day or as advised by a doctor.

    • Mixing: Each Daily Essential Nutrients stick pack is like taking four capsules. Mix it with 1 cup of milk, a smoothie, or your preferred liquid.

    • Sample Purpose: These stick packs are for trying out different flavors; they're not meant to produce therapeutic results. Once you find your favorite flavor, you can get it in larger monthly supplies.

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